Knowledge Illusion

I am avid reader. To be precise I read around 64 books in the year 2016 and patted myself on my back for reading so many books.
Then one day when I had just finished reading book "Thinking in the bets" my son asked me what was I  reading. I thought I liked this book a lot and understood it completely. But when I started telling him about this book, lo and behold, not even 10% of it came out right. 
I thought to myself, why wasn't I able to tell him about the book? Did I not read it correctly? In fact I had read book from front to back but it was definitely not the correct way to read the book.
Just reading book from front to back is not enough to retain knowledge. 
So how does one read to understand and retain knowledge? My quest for this is ongoing.
I read book "How to read book" by Mortimer Adler. I still haven't finish it. 
But reviewing book, writing review, telling others about it is suggested as good step to retain knowledge.
So that is what I started doing it. I started writing review in my notebook but I kept losing notebook.
This is another attempt to do it, via online blogging.
